17 March 2011

Hechizo!!! Spell!!!

Hechizo!!!, originally uploaded by Axel Zapata.

No se que trama esta bruja, asusta mucho a su pequeño gato, espero sea una hechizo para volverse bella, pero ha pasado toda la noche revolviendo.
Una ilustración totalmente digital y con un toque de textura, saludos amigos hasta pronto.

Not that this witch plot, really scared her little cat, hope is a spell to become beautiful, but has spent all night stirring.

A fully digital illustration and a touch of texture, Greetings friends soon.



Sami said...

Hi Axel! Fun blog :) Greetings!

Juan said...

Genial. Muy buen tratamiento del color

Eric Barclay said...

Cute- love the little kitty

theartofpuro said...

Cute!Love the characters and colors:)

illustration poetry said...

heheh :D
this sounds like me!

Shirley said...

WONDERFUL!! Love that kitty cat.
And, Elvis is cool in the previous post..great work, Axel!

MrBibleHead said...

Hey Axel! Very nice! Love your characters and that touch of texture is purrrrfect.