17 March 2011

Elvis Jail house!!!

Elvis Jail house!!!, originally uploaded by Axel Zapata.

Busque otro personaje para caricaturizar a mi manera, y claro Elvis no podía faltar, este video es divertido de ver, la manera que baila Elvis, que caracteristica verdad, bueno me inspire en eso y este es el resultado.

Find a different character to caricature my way, and of course Elvis could not miss, this video is funny see, the way Elvis dances that inspire me really good feature on it and this is the result.

Digital 2011

Look the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRu3tw9fYxE


theartofpuro said...

Cute and funny!

Jo said...

I am a HUGE Elvis fan! This is really great!!

illustration poetry said...

and we were belong to Elvis once upon a time...
