13 April 2011

¡Message In A Bottle!

Message In A Bottle

Para los que conocen "Message In A Bottle" pues me paso por la mente al pensar en la
palabra "bottle" una caricatura del señor Sting. Caricatura Vector 2011. Me atraze
subiendo nuevos aportes, espero continuar con más ritmo, hasta pronto amigos.

Those familiar with "Message In A Bottle" as I pass through your mind when thinking about
word "bottle" a caricature of Mr. Sting. Vector Cartoon 2011. Me being late
up new contributions, I hope to continue with more pace, so long friends.


Maldito Columpio said...

Si que se parece a Sting :D

theartofpuro said...


ruth said...

Heh, heh - that's great!

Ted Blackman said...

Poor Sting, he's got no amp! Nice illustration.

Unknown said...

The message says: Send me an amplifier. hahaha